

105 products
    Apart from providing you with the sheer joy of picking out fresh fruit without stepping out of your home, fruit trees can also contribute to a healthy ecosystem. Fruit trees produce fresh oxygen, giving you and your family cleaner air to breathe, as well as encouraging wildlife to flourish.
    105 products
    Fuyu (Imoto) Persimmon
    Fruit-Persimmon-Fuyu Imoto #7
    Whitegold Semi-dwarf Sweet Cherry
    Fruit-Cherry-Whitegold semi-dwf #7
    White Lady Dwarf Peach
    Fruit-Peach-White Lady Dwf #7
    Shinseiki Dwarf Asian Pear
    Fruit-Pear-Shinseiki Asian Dwf #7
    Oracle Almond
    Fruit-Nut-Almond-Oracle #7
    All-in-One Almond
    Fruit-Nut-Almond-All in One #7
    Celeste Fig
    Fruit-Fig-Celeste #5
    Asian Pear Espalier - Three tier
    Fruit-Pear-espalier Asian 3 tier #15
    Gravenstein Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Gravenstein semi-dwf #7
    Fruit-Apple-Honeycrisp #10
    Fruit-Grape-St Theresa #2
    Sun Harvest American Hazelnut
    Fruit-Nut-Filbert-Sun Harvest #3
    Dunstan Chestnut
    Fruit-Nut-Chestnut-Dunstan #7
    Hachiya Persimmon
    Fruit-Persimmon-Hachiya #7
    Ranch American Elderberry
    Fruit-Elderberry-Ranch #3
    Pound Sweet Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Pound Sweet #7
    Fruit-Grape-Marquette #2
    Fruit-Grape-Edelweiss #2
    Weeping Common Mulberry
    Fruit-Mulberry-White weeping #10
    Golden Elderberry
    Fruit-Elderberry-Golden #3
    Black Walnut
    Fruit-Nut-Walnut-Black #3
    Jonathan Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Jonathan semi-dwf #7
    Fruit-Nectarine-Mericrest #10
    Colonnade Northpole Dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Colonnade Northpole #7
    European Pear Espalier - Three tier
    Fruit-Pear-espalier European 3 tier #15