Perennials White

Perennials White

111 products
    The Siebenthaler Company carry these plants that give your landscape a nice splash of White.
    111 products
    Patriot Hosta
    Hosta Patriot #1
    Francee Hosta
    Hosta Francee #1
    Ice Ballet Swamp Milkweed
    Asclepias incarnata Ice Ballet #1
    Caramel Coral Bells
    Heuchera Caramel #1
    Daisy May Shasta Daisy
    Leucanthemum Daisy May PW#1
    Snowcap Daisy
    Leucanthemum Snowcap 1 qt
    May Breeze Woodland Phlox
    Phlox div May Breeze 1 qt
    Ginko Craig Hosta
    Hosta Ginko Craig #1
    Plum Glory Dianthus
    Dianthus Plum Glory 1 qt
    Pow Wow White Coneflower
    Echinacea PowWow White #1
    Sweet Autumn Clematis
    Clematis paniculata #1(terniflora)
    Becky Shasta Daisy
    Leucanthemum Becky #1
    Palace Purple Coral Bells
    Heuchera Palace Purple #1
    Grape Expectations Coral Bells
    Heuchera Grape Expectations #1
    Maiden Grass
    Miscanthus s Gracillimus #3
    Great Blue Lobelia
    Lobelia siphilitica #1
    Morris Berd Smooth Phlox
    Phlox glaberrima Morris Berd #1
    Rosy Jane Gaura
    Gaura Rosy Jane 1 qt
    Fire Chief Coral Bells
    Heuchera Fire Chief #1
    Shrimps on the Barbie Pulmonaria
    Pulmonaria Shrimps on the Barbie #1
    White Creeping Phlox
    Phlox sub Spring White 1 qt
    Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
    Heuchera Silver Scrolls #1
    Citronelle Coral Bells
    Heuchera Citronelle #1
    June Hosta
    Hosta June #1
    White Blazing Star
    Liatris spicata alba 1 qt
    Purity Candytuft
    Iberis semp Purity 1 qt
    Baby Doll Pink Phlox
    Phlox Baby Doll Pink #1
    Deutschland White Astilbe
    Astilbe Deutschland #1
    Calamintha nepeta sp. nepeta 1 qt
    Blue Waterfall Campanula
    Campanula p Blue Waterfall 1 qt
    White Turtlehead
    Chelone glabra #1
    Backlight Garden Phlox
    Phlox pan Backlight PW #1
    Rattlesnake Master
    Eryngium yuccifolium #1
    Mini Skirt Hosta
    Hosta Mini Skirt #1
    Southern Comfort Coral Bells
    Heuchera Southern Comfort #1
    Snowsation Candytuft
    Iberis semp Snowsation 1 qt
    Frances Williams Hosta
    Hosta Frances Williams #1
    White Bleeding Heart
    Dicentra spectabilis alba #1
    Miss Manners Obedient Plant
    Physostegia Miss Manners #1
    Big Daddy Hosta
    Hosta Big Daddy #1