Perennials Pink

Perennials Pink

133 products
    The Pinks Collection- full of plants with leaves, blooms or fruit with pink
    133 products
    Cinderella Swamp Milkweed
    Asclepias incarnata Cinderella #1
    Sarah Bernhardt Peony
    Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt #2
    Drummond's Pink Creeping Phlox
    Phlox sub Drummond's Pink 1 qt
    Old-fashioned Bleeding Heart
    Dicentra spectabilis #1
    Standing Ovation Little Bluestem
    Schizachyrium Standing Ovation #1
    Visions Astilbe
    Astilbe Visions #1
    Apricot Coral Bells
    Heuchera Apricot #1
    Rosie Posie Hummingbird Mint
    Agastache Rosie Posie 1 qt
    Pink Revolution Heucherella
    Heucherella Pink Revolution #1
    Plum Glory Dianthus
    Dianthus Plum Glory 1 qt
    Glamour Girl Phlox
    Phlox pan Glamour Girl #1
    Firewitch Dianthus
    Dianthus Firewitch #1
    Rose Marvel Salvia
    Salvia Rose Marvel #1
    Brandywine Helleborus
    Helleborus Brandywine #1
    John Creech Sedum
    Sedum John Creech 1 qt
    Hot Lips Pink Turtlehead
    Chelone lyonni Hot Lips #1
    Sieboldii Sedum
    Sedum sieboldii 1 qt
    Electric Neon Pink Bee Balm
    Monarda Electric Neon Pink #1
    Maiden Grass
    Miscanthus s Gracillimus #3
    Morris Berd Smooth Phlox
    Phlox glaberrima Morris Berd #1
    Rosy Jane Gaura
    Gaura Rosy Jane 1 qt
    Fire Chief Coral Bells
    Heuchera Fire Chief #1
    Shrimps on the Barbie Pulmonaria
    Pulmonaria Shrimps on the Barbie #1
    Drummond's Pink Creeping Phlox
    Phlox sub Drummond's Pink #1
    Rheinland Pink Astilbe
    Astilbe Rheinland #1
    Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
    Heuchera Silver Scrolls #1
    Pink Manners Obedient Plant
    Physostegia Pink Manners #1
    Lime Zinger Sedum
    Sedum Lime Zinger 1 qt
    Summersong Firefinch™ Coneflower
    Echinacea Firefinch™ PW#1
    Jeana Phlox
    Phlox pan Jeana #1
    Coral Craze Cone Flower
    Echinacea Coral Craze #1
    Red Creeping Thyme
    Thymus coccineus 1qt
    Red Creeping Thyme
    Thymus coccineus #1
    Opalescence Garden Phlox
    Phlox pan Opalescence PW#1
    Delft Lace Astilbe
    Astilbe Delft Lace #1
    Baby Doll Pink Phlox
    Phlox Baby Doll Pink #1
    Georgia Peach Coral Bells
    Heuchera Georgia Peach #1
    Princess Pink Butterfly Bush
    Buddleia Princess Pink #2
    Paris Coral Bells
    Heuchera Paris #1
    White Turtlehead
    Chelone glabra #1