Evergreen Shrubs

Evergreen Shrubs

187 products
    Simply put, evergreens are pretty. But the best thing about their charming good looks is that they stick around all year long. Even in the winter, when the branches of your deciduous trees and shrubs are bare, evergreens proudly cling to their resilient foliage. While there’s value in nurturing a wide variety of plants and trees in your garden—both for your property and for the environment—you will definitely appreciate the company of Evergreens when winter comes. Enjoy the rich green foliage and blue-green hues all season long—a comforting reminder that winter doesn’t last forever.
    187 products
    Green Velvet Boxwood
    Buxus Green Velvet 15"
    Green Mountain Boxwood
    Buxus Green Mountain 2'
    Green Velvet Boxwood
    Buxus Green Velvet #2
    Fire Chief™ Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Fire Chief #3
    Gold Splash™ Euonymous
    Euonymus Gold Splash #2
    Emerald Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Smaragd 5'
    Sky Pencil Japanese Holly
    Ilex cr Sky Pencil #3
    Blue Star Singleseed Juniper
    Juniper sq Blue Star #3
    Green Gem Boxwood
    Buxus Green Gem 15"
    Golden Dream Boxwood
    Buxus m Golden Dream #3
    Jean's Dilly White Spruce
    Picea glauca Jean's Dilly #3
    Shamrock Inkberry
    Ilex gl Shamrock #3
    NewGen™ Independence Boxwood
    Buxus m Independence #3
    Emerald Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Smaragd 6'
    Wintergreen Boxwood
    Buxus m Wintergreen #3
    Tom Thumb (Little Gem) Creeping Cotoneaster
    Cotoneaster ap Tom Thumb #2
    Manhattan Euonymous
    Euonymus Manhattan #3
    Goldfinger Bush Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f Goldfinger #2
    Emerald Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Smaragd #6
    Bloom-A-Thon® Pink Double Azalea
    Azalea Bloom-A-Thon Pink Double #3
    Gem Box™ Inkberry Holly
    Ilex gl Gem Box #3
    Green Tower™ Common Boxwood
    Buxus s Green Tower #5
    Golden Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress
    Chamaecyparis ob nana lutea #1
    NewGen™ Freedom Boxwood
    Buxus m Freedom #3
    Emerald Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Smaragd 4'
    Rainbow's End™ White Spruce
    Picea glauca Rainbow's End #3
    Little Giant Dwarf Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Little Giant #2
    Moonshadow Euonymus
    Euonymus Moonshadow #2
    Blue Princess Holly
    Ilex x Blue Princess #3
    China Boy™ Holly
    Ilex x China Boy #3
    Golden Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress
    Chamaecyparis ob nana lutea #3
    Sea of Gold™ Juniper
    Juniper x Sea of Gold #2
    Globe Blue Spruce
    Picea pun globosa #3
    P.J.M. Rhododendron
    Rhododendron P.J.M. #3
    Dwarf Alberta Spruce
    Picea glauca Conica #7
    Little Missy Boxwood
    Buxus m Little Missy #3
    Green Mountain Boxwood
    Buxus Green Mountain #3
    China Girl™ Holly
    Ilex x China Girl #3
    Variegated Common Boxwood
    Buxus s variegata #2
    Jantar Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Jantar #6