Perennials Gold

Perennials Gold

59 products
    The Golds Collection- full of plants with leaves, blooms or fruit with beautiful Gold coloring
    59 products
    Caramel Coral Bells
    Heuchera Caramel #1
    Goldsturm Black-Eyed Susan
    Rudbeckia f Goldsturm #1
    Little Goldstar Black-Eyed Susan
    Rudbeckia Little Goldstar #1
    Stella D'Oro Daylily
    Hemerocallis Stella D'oro #1
    Zagreb Coreopsis
    Coreopsis Zagreb #1
    Sum & Substance Hosta
    Hosta Sum & Substance #1
    Goldsturm Black-Eyed Susan
    Rudbeckia f Goldsturm 1 qt
    Arizona Red Blanket Flower
    Gaillardia Arizona Red 1 qt
    Sombrero Granada Gold Coneflower
    Echinacea Sombrero Granada Gold #1
    Paul's Glory Hosta
    Hosta Paul's Glory #1
    Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
    Calamagrostis x a Karl Foerster #3
    Golden Tiara Hosta
    Hosta Golden Tiara #1
    June Hosta
    Hosta June #1
    Golden Creeping Jenny
    Lysimachia num aurea 1 qt
    Prairie Dropseed
    Sporobolus heterolepis #1
    Deamii Black-Eyed Susan
    Rudbeckia f deamii #1
    Baby Sun Coreopsis
    Coreopsis Baby Sun 1 qt
    American Goldfinch Baptisia
    Baptisia American Goldfinch #2
    Stained Glass Hosta
    Hosta Stained Glass #1
    Arkansas Blue Star
    Amsonia hubrichtii #1
    Obsidian Coral Bells
    Heuchera Obsidian #1
    Little Lemon Goldenrod
    Solidago Little Lemon #1
    Coral Sunset Peony
    Paeonia Coral Sunset #2
    Fireworks Goldenrod
    Solidago rugosa Fireworks #1
    UPTICK™ Gold & Bronze Coreopsis
    Coreopsis UPTICK™ Gold & Bronze 1 qt
    Grand Tiara Hosta
    Hosta Grand Tiara #1
    Golden Fleece Goldenrod
    Solidago sphacelata Golden Fleece #1
    Gray-Headed Coneflower
    Ratibida pinnata #1
    Summer Sun Heliopsis
    Heliopsis Summer Sun #1
    Woodland Goldenrod
    Solidago caesia #1
    Rainforest Sunrise Hosta
    Hosta Rainforest Sunrise #1
    Indian Summer Rudbeckia
    Rudbeckia h Indian Summer #1
    String Theory Blue Star
    Amsonia String Theory PW#1
    Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
    Calamagrostis x a Karl Foerster #1
    August Moon Hosta
    Hosta August Moon #1
    KISMET White Coneflower
    Echinacea KISMET White #1
    Sun King Japanese Spikenard
    Aralia Sun King #2
    Porcupine Grass
    Miscanthus s Strictus #3
    Bleeding Hearts Heliopsis
    Heliopsis Bleeding Hearts #1
    UPTICK™ Gold & Bronze Coreopsis
    Coreopsis UPTICK™ Gold & Bronze #1