Deciduous Shrubs

Deciduous Shrubs

355 products
    These shrubs change throughout the seasons, often shifting color and losing leaves throughout the fall, then turning green again next year! Like other shrubs, these many-stemmed plants can give wonderful structure to your garden. But deciduous shrubs are particularly enthralling because they go through color and textural changes throughout the seasons, keeping your garden visually interesting all year long. From color-changing Hydrangeas to beautiful blossoming Weigela, our selection of deciduous shrubs has just the right plants to add structure and visual interest to your garden.
    355 products
    Glossy Abeila
    Abelia x grandiflora #3
    Rufa Clumping Bamboo
    Bamboo-Fargesia drac rufa #2
    Golden Nugget Japanese Barberry
    Berberis t Golden Nugget #2
    Emerald Feather Eastern Red Cedar
    Juniper v Emerald Feather #6
    Variegated Red Twig Dogwood
    Cornus alba Elegantissima #3
    Double Delights Stargazer Bigleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac Stargazer #3
    Brandywine Smooth Viburnum
    Viburnum n Brandywine #3
    Dwarf Fragrant Viburnum
    Viburnum farreri Nanum #5
    Peppermint Smoothie Rose of Sharon
    Hibiscus syr Peppermint Smoothie #3
    Lead Plant
    Amorpha canescens #3
    Purple Robe Black Locust
    Robinia p Purple Robe #15
    Chardonnay Pearls Slender Deutzia
    Deutzia grac Chardonnay Pearls #3
    Golden Rocket Barberry
    Berberis t Golden Rocket #3
    Violette de Bordeaux Fig
    Fruit-Fig-Violet de Bordeaux #5
    First Editions Jetstream Oakleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea q Jetstream #2
    Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
    Itea v Henry's Garnet #3
    Tonto Crapemyrtle
    Lagerstroemia Tonto #3
    Red Sprite Winterberry Holly
    Ilex v Red Sprite #3
    Lynwood Gold Forsythia
    Forsythia Lynwood Gold #3
    Little Princess Spirea
    Spiraea Little Princess #2
    Chrysler Imperial Rose
    Rosa Ht Chrysler Imperial #2.5
    Memorial Day Hybrid Tea Rose
    Rosa Ht Memorial Day #2.5
    Rosa Gc Sweet Drift #3
    Ginger Wine Ninebark
    Physocarpus o Ginger Wine #2
    Flare Panicle Hydrangea
    Hydrangea pan Flare #2
    Girard's Hot Shot Azalea
    Azalea Girard Hot Shot #3
    Beekeeper Bluebeard
    Caryopteris Beekeeper #2
    Jim Dandy Winterberry Holly
    Ilex v Jim Dandy #3
    Sunshine Blue Bluebeard
    Caryopteris Sunshine Blue #2
    Blackhaw Viburnum
    Viburnum prunifolium #5
    Queen of Elegance Floribunda rose
    Rosa Fl Queen of Elegance #2.5
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia #3
    Aronia m Low Scape Ground Hug #2
    Rock 'n Roll Bigleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac Rock-N-Roll #3
    Mount Airy Large Fothergilla
    Fothergilla major Mt Airy #3
    Bronx Dwarf Forsythia
    Forsythia v Bronxensis #3
    Golden Vicary Privet
    Ligustrum x vicaryi #3
    Onyx Zebra Bigleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac Zebra #3
    Love Grandiflora Rose
    Rosa Gr Love #2.5
    Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon
    Hibiscus syr Blue Chiffon #3