Greg's Favorite Shrubs - New Jersey Tea (Ceonothus Americana)
Native to Greene County, this graceful little shrub carry both garden and environmental advantages. Usually growing only three feet tall, it fits right into most any size garden, or even a large barrel, and that's just a start. Blooming with a pure white and frothy cluster of flowers June through July. It's glossy leaves support important pollinator larvae of beautiful Spring and Summer azure, as well as Duskywing butterflies. The blooms are also well used by several native species of small bees, themselves also strong pollinators.
Need more reasons to grow this plant?
It also attracts Hummingbirds. Flowers produce black fruit capsules; exploded remnants often hold onto into winter. Ceanothus flowers make very nice household bouquets, with a pleasant fragrance. This beautiful little shrub may take longer to establish, but it's quite long-lived and well worth the wait.