"Did you know?" - Blackberries: How sweet it is!
With a half dozen species native to Ohio, the Blackberry (genus rubus) is a little shrub with a great big punch! It's good for us and for the environment also.
With a flower rich in pollen and nectar, Blackberry is supportive of 9 crucial, pollinating species of small native bees, including miner, bumble and carpenter bees. It's leaves also provide nourishment for a good number of butterfly and moth pollinators.
Cardinals, Robins Woodpeckers, Kingbirds, Tanagers and native Sparrow species all feed on the fruit. If you intend on trying to keep all of the fruit, you may need to use bird netting, or you can give them their own plant in a separate area of your yard. If you live in a wooded area, the fruit is ideal foe wildlife, including nest birds who prefer low shrubs over tall trees for a couple of reason. Those reasons being, Racoons, Opossums, Rabbits, Foxes and yes, even turtle species that can ransack their nests.
As for us, the fruit is positively powerful! High in vitamins C & K, and it's manganese is brain-healthy. It also provides both fiber types and it's anthocyanin protects against cancer, diabetes and heart problems, all on it's way to a happy tummy.