Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

538 products
    Deciduous trees provide shade and block heat from the sun during hotter months, and by dropping their leaves in the fall they admit sunlight in the colder months.
    538 products
    Kwanzan Japanese Flowering Cherry
    Prunus ser Kwanzan 3.5"
    Twombly's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Twombly's Red Sentinel #6
    Musashino Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Musashino 4.5"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 1.75"
    Sienna Glen Freeman Maple
    Acer fr Sienna Glen 3.5"
    Endowment Sugar Maple
    Acer s Endowment 3.5"
    Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yedoensis 3"
    Swamp White Oak
    Quercus bicolor 4"
    Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
    Prunus Pink Cascade 1.5"
    Firespire American Hornbean
    Carpinus c Firespire #10
    Stellar Pink Dogwood
    Cornus x Stellar Pink 3"
    Lion's Head Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Shishigashira 4'ht
    Dwarf Columnar Hornbeam
    Carpinus b colomnaris nana #7
    Musashino Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Musashino 4"
    Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yedoensis 3.5"
    Merrill Magnolia
    Magnolia loeb Merrill 8'
    Wright Brothers Sugar Maple
    Acer s Wright Brothers 4"
    Orange Dream Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Orange Dream #10
    Autumn Moon Fullmoon Maple
    Acer shir Autumn Moon #7
    Tamukeyama Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Tamukeyama spec C
    Magyar Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Magyar 2"
    Regal Prince Hybrid Oak
    Quercus x Regal Prince 2.5"
    St. Croix American Elm
    Ulmus a St Croix #10
    Grapeleaf Fullmoon Maple
    Acer jap Vitifolium 4' HT
    American Yellowwood
    Cladrastis kentukea 2.5"
    Hot Wings Tatarian Maple
    Acer tat Hot Wings MS 8'
    Green Vase Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Green Vase 1.5"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra 3.5"
    Autumn Fest Sugar Maple
    Acer s Autumn Fest 2.5"
    Lollipop Crabapple
    Malus Lollipop 1.75"
    Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree
    Gymnocladus d Espresso 1.75"
    Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree
    Gymnocladus d Espresso 3"
    Regal Prince Hybrid Oak
    Quercus x Regal Prince 2"
    Triumph Elm
    Ulmus x Triumph 3"
    Shawnee Brave Baldcypress
    Taxodium d Shawnee Brave HB 2"
    Kindred Spirit Hybrid Oak
    Quercus x Kindred Spirit 3"
    Royal Raindrops Crabapple
    Malus Royal Raindrops 1.75"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 2.5"
    Green Mountain Silver Linden
    Tilia t Green Mountain 4"
    Imperial Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Imperial 2"