Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

637 products
    Deciduous trees provide shade and block heat from the sun during hotter months, and by dropping their leaves in the fall they admit sunlight in the colder months.
    637 products
    Native Flame American Hornbeam
    Carpinus c Native Flame 1.75"
    Emerald Avenue Hornbeam
    Carpinus b Emerald Avenue 2"
    Merrill Magnolia
    Magnolia loeb Merrill 4'
    Lima Gold Dwarf Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Lima Gold #7
    Green Cutleaf Japanese Maple
    Acer palm dis viridis #3
    Fernleaf Fullmoon Maple
    Acer jap Aconitifolium #3
    Fascination Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Fascination #7
    Green Cascade Fullmoon Maple
    Acer jap Green Cascade #3
    River's European Beech
    Fagus s Riversi #10
    Silverwood American Sycamore
    Platanus occ Silverwood #7
    Paperbark Maple
    Acer griseum 6'
    GoGo Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Gogo specimen
    Burgundy Lace European Filbert
    Corylus avel Burgundy Lace #5
    Paperbark Maple
    Acer griseum spec A
    Orange Flame Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Orange Flame spec
    Alley Cat Variegated Redbud
    Cercis can Alley Cat #10
    Big John Bur Oak
    Quercus macro Big John #3
    Purple Weeping European Beech
    Fagus s purpurea pendula spec
    Common Hackberry
    Celtis occidentalis 1.75"
    Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam
    Carpinus b Frans Fontaine 1.75"
    Green Column Black Maple
    Acer n Green Column 2.5"
    Native Flame American Hornbeam
    Carpinus c Native Flame 2"
    Dynasty Lacebark Elm
    Ulmus par Dynasty 3.5"
    Dynasty Lacebark Elm
    Ulmus par Dynasty 3"
    Sparta White Oak
    Quercus alba Sparta 2"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 4.5"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 4"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 3.5"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 3"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 1.5"
    Northern Pin Oak
    Quercus ellipsoidalis #7
    Swamp White Oak
    Quercus bicolor 3.5"
    Sawtooth Oak
    Quercus acutissima 4"
    Akebono Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yed Akebono 3"
    Snow Fountains Flowering Cherry
    Prunus Snow Fountains 3"
    Snow Fountains Flowering Cherry
    Prunus Snow Fountains 1.75"
    Exclamation London Planetree
    Platanus a Exclamation 4.5"
    Exclamation London Planetree
    Platanus a Exclamation 4"
    Musashino Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Musashino 2.5"
    Green Vase Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Green Vase 2.5"