Evergreen Trees

Evergreen Trees

124 products

    During our long Southwest Ohio winters, it can seem like everything outside is hibernating. The trees have lost their leaves, the water is frozen over, and a blanket of snow covers everything.

    That’s why it’s so helpful to remind ourselves of the things that are still alive, colorful, and vibrant during these gray winter months – like evergreen trees and shrubs. Not only do these trees and shrubs remind us that not everything is asleep all winter, but they have other benefits as well...

    124 products
    Dark Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Nigra 5'
    Black Hills White Spruce
    Picea glauca Densata 4'
    Dark Green Western Arborvitae
    Thuja pli atro(tight) 5'
    Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia
    Magnolia gr Bracken's Brown Beauty #15
    Blue Ice Arizona Cypress
    Cupressus glabra Blue Ice #3
    Bushy Blue Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot Bushy Blue 6'ht(C)
    La Cabana Mugo Pine
    Pinus mugo La Cabana #6
    Little Gem Dwarf Magnolia
    Magnolia gr Little Gem #7
    Golden Duke Eastern Hemlock
    Tsuga can Golden Duke #2
    Norway Spruce
    Picea abies #3
    Graciosa Hinoki Falsecypress
    Chamaecyparis ob graciosa #3
    Norway Spruce
    Picea abies 8'
    White Pine
    Pinus strobus 6'
    Zebrina Variegated Himalayan Pine
    Pinus wall Zebrina #6
    Taylor's Sunburst Lodgepole Pine
    Pinus cont Taylor's Sunburst #6
    Joe Kozey Umbrella Pine
    Sciadopitys vert Joe Kozey #3
    Joe Kozey Umbrella Pine
    Sciadopitys vert Joe Kozey #6
    Short-Needled Blue Japanese White Pine
    Pinus parviflora Brevifolia #6
    Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine
    Pinus thun Thunderhead #6
    Weeping Norway Spruce
    Picea abies Pendula spec A
    Weeping Norway Spruce
    Picea abies Pendula #6
    Pyramidal Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Pyramidalis 6'
    Hillside Upright Norway Spruce
    Picea abies Hillside Upright #3
    Big Berta White Spruce
    Picea glauca Big Bertha #6
    Dark Green Western Arborvitae
    Thuja pli atro(tight) 7'
    Karl Fuchs Deodor Cedar
    Cedrus deodara Karl Fuchs #6
    Blue Nootka Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot glauca 4'
    Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
    Cedrus a glauca pendula #10
    Extra Blue Limber Pine
    Pinus flex Extra Blue 6' (C)
    Dark Green Western Arborvitae
    Thuja pli atro(tight) 4'
    Norway Spruce
    Picea abies 7'
    Weeping Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot pendula 5'ht
    Weeping Blue Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot glauca pendula 6'ht
    Cupressina Norway Spruce
    Picea abies cupressina 5' (C)
    White Spruce
    Picea glauca #3
    Golden Splendor Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Golden Splendor #6
    Sunlight Lace Hinoki Falsecypress
    Chamaecyparis ob Sunlight Lace #6
    Prairie Statesman Swiss Stone PIne
    Pinus cembra Prairie Statesman #6
    Vanderwolf's Pyramid Limber Pine
    Pinus flex Vanderwolf's Pyramid 4' (C)
    Tickle Creek Whitebark Birch
    Betula j Tickle Creek #6