Fall Tree Color

Fall Tree Color

605 products
    The most common leaf colors of fall are red, yellow, and orange. Some tree species can express several of these colors simultaneously as the season progresses.
    605 products
    Corinthian Littleleaf Linden
    Tilia c Corinthian 2.5"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra 1.75"
    Celebration? Freeman Maple
    Acer fr Celebration 1.5"
    Kwanzan Japanese Flowering Cherry
    Prunus ser Kwanzan 1.5"
    State Street? Miyabe Maple
    Acer m State Street 1.5"
    Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Forest Pansy 2.5"
    Jane Magnolia
    Magnolia Jane 4'
    Moraine Sweetgum
    Liquidambar s Moraine 2.5"
    Corinthian Littleleaf Linden
    Tilia c Corinthian 1.75"
    Crimson Sunset Hybrid Maple
    Acer x Crimson Sunset 1.75"
    Autumn Radiance Maple
    Acer r Autumn Radiance 3.5"
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 1.75"
    Emerald Avenue Hornbeam
    Carpinus b Emerald Avenue 2.5"
    Merrill Magnolia
    Magnolia loeb Merrill 7'
    American Yellowwood
    Cladrastis kentukea 1.75"
    Autumn Blaze? Freeman Maple
    Acer fr Autumn Blaze 4"
    Common Hackberry
    Celtis occidentalis 1.75"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra 4"
    Common Hackberry
    Celtis occidentalis 2"
    Triumph Elm
    Ulmus x Triumph 4.5"
    Acer x Pacific Sunset 2.5"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 1.5"
    Green Vase Japanese Zelkova
    Zelkova ser Green Vase 2.5"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis 2.5"
    Majestic Skies Northern Pin Oak
    Quercus Majestic Skies 1.75"
    Emerald City Tuliptree
    Liriodendron t Emerald City 3"
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 2.5"
    Swamp White Oak
    Quercus bicolor 1.5"
    Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac
    Syringa ret Ivory Silk 1.75"
    Imperial Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Imperial 1.75"
    Shawnee Brave Baldcypress
    Taxodium d Shawnee Brave HB 4.5"
    Northern Pin Oak
    Quercus ellipsoidalis 1.75"
    Bur Oak
    Quercus macrocarpa 4"
    Akebono Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yed Akebono 1.75"
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 4.5"
    Triumph Elm
    Ulmus x Triumph 2"
    Merrill Magnolia
    Magnolia loeb Merrill 3'
    Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
    Prunus Pink Cascade 1.75"
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia 1.75"
    Akebono Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yed Akebono 2.5"