Fall Tree Color

Fall Tree Color

616 products
    The most common leaf colors of fall are red, yellow, and orange. Some tree species can express several of these colors simultaneously as the season progresses.
    616 products
    Common Persimmon
    Fruit-Persimmon #7
    Sharp's Pygmy Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Sharp's Pygmy #3
    Ohio Buckeye
    Aesculus glabra #15
    Autumn Radiance Maple
    Acer r Autumn Radiance 2.5"
    Ruby Falls Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Ruby Falls 1.75"
    Red Dragon Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Red Dragon 24"spd
    Snow Fountains Flowering Cherry
    Prunus Snow Fountains 6'std #15
    Liriodendron tulipifera #3
    Dwarf Chinkapin Oak
    Quercus prinoldes #3
    Rose Marie Magnolia
    Magnolia x Rose Marie TF #5
    Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac
    Syringa ret Ivory Silk 2"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis TF #7
    Heritage River Birch
    Betula n Heritage clump #15
    Montmorency Semi-dwarf Tart Cherry
    Fruit-Cherry-Montmorency #10
    Pink Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Rubra #5
    Tamukeyama Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Tamukeyama spec B
    Ann Magnolia
    Magnolia Ann 4'
    Ann Magnolia
    Magnolia Ann 5'
    Dawn Redwood
    Metasequoia glyptostroboides #15
    Slender Silhouette Sweetgum
    Liquidambar s Slender Silhouette #10
    Sherwood Flame Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Sherwood Flame #6
    Melrose Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Melrose Semi-dwf #7
    Heritage River Birch
    Betula n Heritage clump 10'
    Summer Fun Kousa Dogwood
    Cornus k Summer Fun #10
    Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia
    Magnolia v Moonglow TF #10
    Crimson Sunset Hybrid Maple
    Acer x Crimson Sunset 2.5"
    Powder Keg Sugar Maple
    Acer s Powder Keg #15
    Coralburst Crabapple
    Malus Coralburst 1.5"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra #3
    Black Tulip Magnolia
    Magnolia x Black Tulip #7 TF
    Bartlett Dwarf European Pear
    Fruit-Pear-Bartlett Dwf #7
    Liriodendron tulipifera #15
    Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yedoensis #15
    American Filbert / Hazelnut
    Corylus americana #5
    Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia
    Magnolia v Moonglow BF #7
    Princeton Gold Norway Maple
    Acer plat Princeton Gold #15
    Armstrong Gold Maple
    Acer r Armstrong Gold 2"
    American Hornbeam
    Carpinus caroliniana #15
    July Elberta Dwarf Peach
    Fruit-Peach-July Elberta Dwf #7
    Anjou Dwarf European Pear
    Fruit-Pear-Anjou Dwf #7