Flowering Shrubs

Flowering Shrubs

298 products

    Shrubs are an instrumental part of every garden’s ecosystem. They provide shade, improve soil stability, enhance air quality and create habitats for all types of wildlife. Of course, shrubs and small trees are also beautiful to look at, especially when you choose varieties that produce beautiful flowers.

    298 products
    Dee Runk Common Boxwood
    Buxus s Dee Runk #7
    McKay's White Bush Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f McKay's White #2
    White Gold Spirea
    Spiraea White Gold #3
    Shoal Creek Chaste Tree
    Vitex a-c Shoal Creek #3
    Myrica pensylvanica #3
    White Fringetree
    Chionanthus virginicus 4'
    Burning Bush
    Euonymus a compactus 2.5'
    Mohican Wayfaringtree Viburnum
    Viburnum l Mohican 3'
    Ludwig Spaeth Common Lilac
    Syringa v Ludwig Spaeth #3
    Mohawk Viburnum
    Viburnum x burkwoodii Mohawk #3
    Green Mountain Boxwood Spiral
    Buxus Green Mountain #3 spiral
    Raspberry Lemonade Ninebark
    Physocarpus o Raspberry Lemonade #3
    L.A. Dreamin' Bigleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac L. A. Dreamin' #3
    Limemound Spirea
    Spiraea Limemound #2
    Zuni Crapemyrtle
    Lagerstroemia Zuni #3
    Burning Bush
    Euonymus a compactus 2'
    Tor Birchleaf Spirea
    Spiraea bet Tor #2
    Starfield Reblooming Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac Starfield #2
    First Editions Fiber Optics Buttonbush
    Cephalanthus occ Fiber Optics #3
    Cherry Bomb Japanese Barberry
    Berberis t Cherry Bomb #2
    Ogon Japanese False Holly
    Osmanthus heter Ogon #3
    Schmidt Common Boxwood 3-ball
    Buxus s Schmidtii #15 3 Ball
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia TF #10
    False Indigo Bush
    Amorpha fruticosa #3
    Shasta Doublefile Viburnum
    Viburnum pli Shasta #7
    Red Buckeye
    Aesculus pavia #3
    Bottlebrush Buckeye
    Aesculus parviflora #5
    Crisp Leaf Sprirea
    Spiraea bum crispa #5
    Spice Island Koreanspice Viburnum
    Viburnum car Spice Island #2
    Princess Diana (WOW Time) Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac WOWTime #2
    Polar Flare Bush Honeysuckle
    Diervilla r Polar Flare #2
    Oregon Grape Holly
    Mahonia aquifolium #2
    Rubin Witch Hazel
    Hamamelis x Rubin #5
    Primrose Common Lilac
    Syringa v Primrose #3
    First Editions Lotus Moon Pearlbush
    Exochorda x Lotus Moon #2
    Kodiak Black Bush Honeysuckle
    Diervilla r Kodiak Black #2
    Compact European Cranberrybush
    Viburnum op compactum #2
    Green Gem Boxwood
    Buxus Green Gem 18"
    Tilt-A-Swirl Hydrangea
    Hydrangea mac Tilt-A-Swirl #3
    Lemon Lime Nandina
    Nandina dom Lemon Lime #3