

275 products
    Planting native plants can help local wildlife, pollinators and diversity as well as a generally more robust plant accustomed to native pests, diseases, and climates. Natives include regional natives, selections, and cultivars of native plants.
    275 products
    Butterfly Weed
    Asclepias tuberosa #1
    October Skies Blue Aster
    Aster oblongifolius October Skies #1
    Panicum v Cape Breeze #1
    Chameleon Little Bluestem
    Schizachyrium Chameleon #1
    Miss Manners Obedient Plant
    Physostegia Miss Manners #1
    Goat's Beard
    Aruncus dioicus #1
    Little Devil Ninebark
    Physocarpus o Little Devil #3
    Blackhawks Big Bluestem
    Andropogon Blackhawks #1
    Terra Cotta Yarrow
    Achillea Terra Cotta #1
    Packera aurea #1
    Cup Plant
    Silphium perfoliatum #1
    Lanham's Purple Shining Sumac
    Rhus c Lanham's Purple #6
    Liriodendron tulipifera #15
    Green Twister Purple Coneflower
    Echinacea Green Twister 1 qt
    Echinacea pallida Hula Dancer #1
    Ox-eye Sunflower
    Heliopsis helianthoides #1
    Hairy Beardtongue
    Penstemon hirsutus #1
    Aster azureus #1
    Gray-Headed Coneflower
    Ratibida pinnata #1
    Purple Robe Black Locust
    Robinia p Purple Robe #15
    Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea
    Hydrangea q Snow Queen #3
    Quercus rubra 4.5"
    Ohio Buckeye
    Aesculus glabra #15
    Shingle Oak
    Quercus imbricaria 1.75"
    Wright Brothers Sugar Maple
    Acer s Wright Brothers 2"
    Wright Brothers Sugar Maple
    Acer s Wright Brothers 4"
    Sugar Maple
    Acer saccharum #3
    Skyline Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Skyline 1.5"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra 2"
    Common Sassafras
    Sassafras albidum #5
    Jim Dandy Winterberry Holly
    Ilex v Jim Dandy #3
    Black Cherry
    Prunus serotina #3
    Shellbark Hickory
    Carya laciniosa #3
    Iron Butterfly Ironweed
    Vernonia lettermannii Iron Butterfly #1
    Autumn Revolution Bittersweet
    Celastrus sc Autumn Revolution #2
    Red Twig Dogwood
    Cornus baileyi #3
    Imperial Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Imperial 3"
    Weeping White Pine
    Pinus strobus Pendula 4'
    Winter King Hawthorn
    Crataegus Winter King 2"
    Northern Red Oak
    Quercus rubra 3.5"