Bird Friendly

Bird Friendly

91 products
    These plants can help our local and migratory bird populations and enhance our biodiversity.
    91 products
    Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower
    Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit #1
    Standing Ovation Little Bluestem
    Schizachyrium Standing Ovation #1
    Pow Wow Wild Berry Coneflower
    Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry #1
    Pow Wow White Coneflower
    Echinacea PowWow White #1
    Pow Wow Wild Berry Coneflower
    Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry 1 qt
    Purple Coneflower
    Echinacea purpurea #1
    Lindera benzoin #5
    Cup Plant
    Silphium perfoliatum #1
    Pow Wow White Coneflower
    Echinacea PowWow White 1qt
    Tom Thumb (Little Gem) Creeping Cotoneaster
    Cotoneaster ap Tom Thumb #2
    Postman Coneflower
    Echinacea Postman #1
    Shrubby St. John's Wort
    Hypericum prolificum #3
    Regent Serviceberry
    Amel a Regent #3
    Bagatelle Japanese Barberry
    Berberis t Bagatelle #3
    Brilliantisima Red Chokeberry
    Aronia a Brilliantisima #3
    Green Twister Purple Coneflower
    Echinacea Green Twister 1 qt
    New Jersy Tea
    Ceanothus americanus #3
    Little Missy Boxwood
    Buxus m Little Missy #3
    Ivory Halo Tatarian Dogwood
    Cornus alba Ivory Halo #2
    China Girl Holly
    Ilex x China Girl #3
    Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry TF
    Amel Autumn Brillance TF #10
    Firepower Dwarf Nandina
    Nandina dom Firepower Dwarf #3
    Golden Sunset Indian Grass
    Sorghastrum nutans Golden Sunset™ #1
    Ohio Buckeye
    Aesculus glabra #15
    Summer Gold Kousa Dogwood
    Cornus k Summer Gold #10
    Ft McNair Red Horsechestnut
    Aesculus car Ft McNair #15
    Lemony Lace Elderberry
    Sambucus r Lemony Lace #2
    Nannyberry Viburnum
    Viburnum lentago #3
    American Plum
    Prunus americana #3
    Variegated Red Twig Dogwood
    Cornus alba Elegantissima #3
    Dwarf Fragrant Viburnum
    Viburnum farreri Nanum #5
    Ginger Wine Ninebark
    Physocarpus o Ginger Wine #2
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia #3
    Chameleon Little Bluestem
    Schizachyrium Chameleon #1
    Cranberry Cotoneaster
    Cotoneaster apiculatus #2
    Early Amethyst Beautyberry
    Callicarpa dich Early Amethyst #3
    Chinese Dogwood
    Cornus k chinensis #7
    Summer Fun Kousa Dogwood
    Cornus k Summer Fun #10
    Sweet Sandia Coneflower
    Echinacea Sweet Sandia #1
    First Editions Autumn Inferno Cotoneaster
    Cotoneaster Autumn Inferno #2