Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

653 products
    Deciduous trees provide shade and block heat from the sun during hotter months, and by dropping their leaves in the fall they admit sunlight in the colder months.
    653 products
    Twombly's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Twombly's Red Sentinel 5'ht
    Emperor 1 Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Emperor 1 #7
    Princeton Gold Norway Maple
    Acer plat Princeton Gold #15
    Snow Fountains Flowering Cherry
    Prunus Snow Fountains 2"
    Jane Magnolia
    Magnolia Jane 5'
    Redpointe Red Maple
    Acer r Redpointe 1.5"
    Armstrong Gold Maple
    Acer r Armstrong Gold 2"
    Ruby Sunset Hybrid Maple
    Acer x Ruby Sunset #15
    Scarlet Oak
    Quercus coccinea #3
    Melrose Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Melrose Semi-dwf #7
    Red Fuji Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Red Fuji Semi-dwf #7
    Flashfire Maple
    Acer s Flashfire #10
    Shumard Oak
    Quercus shumardii #3
    Goldspire Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Goldspire #7
    Moonglow Sweetbay Magnolia
    Magnolia v Moonglow BF #7
    Powder Keg Sugar Maple
    Acer s Powder Keg #15
    Milky Way Kousa Dogwood
    Cornus k Milky Way #10
    Coralburst Crabapple
    Malus Coralburst 1.5"
    Genie Magnolia
    Magnolia s Genie TF #7
    Anjou Dwarf European Pear
    Fruit-Pear-Anjou Dwf #7
    Mariken Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Mariken #1
    Butterflies Magnolia
    Magnolia x Butterflies #7
    Jubileum Bush
    Fruit-Cherry-Juliet Bush Cherry #7
    Red Delicious Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Red Delicious Semi-dwf #7
    Liriodendron tulipifera #15
    Yoshino Cherry
    Prunus yedoensis #15
    Amber Glow Dawn Redwood
    Metasequioa glyp Amber Glow #10
    Flashfire Maple
    Acer s Flashfire 2"
    Emerald City Tuliptree
    Liriodendron t Emerald City #15
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis BF 5'
    White Oak
    Quercus alba #10
    Malus Purple Prince #15
    Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Inaba Shidare spec
    Indian Blood Dwarf Peach
    Fruit-Peach-Indian Blood dwf #7
    Blackgold Semi Dwarf Sweet Cherry
    Fruit-Cherry-Blackgold semi-dwf #7
    Pink Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Rubra 1.5"
    Black Oak
    Quercus velutina #3
    Bigleaf Magnolia
    Magnolia macrophylla #5
    Yellow Bird Magnolia
    Magnolia x Yellow Bird TF #5
    Cox's Orange Pippen Semi-dwarf Apple
    Fruit-Apple-Cox Orange Pippen semidwf #7