Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

546 products
    Deciduous trees provide shade and block heat from the sun during hotter months, and by dropping their leaves in the fall they admit sunlight in the colder months.
    546 products
    Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Forest Pansy 1.75"
    Miss Grace Weeping Dawn Redwood
    Metasequoia glyp Miss Grace #6
    Ruby Falls Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Ruby Falls 2"
    Princeton Sentry Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Princeton Sentry 1.75"
    Endowment Sugar Maple
    Acer s Endowment 2"
    The Rising Sun Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can The Rising Sun #7
    Mariken Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Mariken #3
    Emperor 1 Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Emperor 1 6'ht
    Alley Cat Variegated Redbud
    Cercis can Alley Cat #7
    Merlot Redbud
    Cercis can Merlot #10
    Snow Crystal Crabapple
    Malus Snow Crystal #15
    Ruby Fullmoon Maple
    Acer jap Ruby #3
    Northern Splendor Black Gum
    Nyssa s Northern Splendor 1.5"
    Globe Norway Maple
    Acer plat Globosum #15
    White Oak
    Quercus alba 2"
    Lindsey's Skyward Baldcypress
    Taxodium d Lindsey's Skyward #10
    Fruit-Nut-Butternut #3
    Kindred Spirit Hybrid Oak
    Quercus x Kindred Spirit 1.5"
    Acer x Pacific Sunset 4"
    Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Inaba Shidare spec A
    White Fringetree
    Chionanthus virginicus #7
    Acer x Pacific Sunset 1.5"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis 2"
    Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alt Golden Shadows TF #10
    Swamp White Oak
    Quercus bicolor 2"
    Fireglow Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Fireglow 5'
    Betty Magnolia
    Magnolia x Betty #5
    Jane Magnolia
    Magnolia x Jane #3
    Seven-Son Flower
    Heptacodium miconioides #7
    Paperbark Maple
    Acer griseum Spec B
    First Blush Cherry
    Prunus First Blush #15
    Skyline Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Skyline 1.5"
    White Oak
    Quercus alba 1.5"
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 2"
    Green Cutleaf Japanese Maple
    Acer palm dis viridis 36"spd
    Ruby Slippers Amur Maple
    Acer g Ruby Slippers #15
    Black Pearl Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Black Pearl #7
    Summer Gold Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Summer Gold #7
    Royal White Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Royal White TF #7
    Mariken Ginkgo
    Ginkgo b Mariken Std #7