Greg's Native Picks

Greg's Native Picks

125 products

    Greg Christie is one of Siebenthaler's most trusted horticulturists. He is also a champion of ALL native plants. This page will show you all of his favorite native plants. You can also choose plant categories based on the collections below.

    125 products
    Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria
    Wisteria macro Blue Moon #5 staked
    Eastern Red Cedar
    Juniper virginiana #3
    Moon Frost Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Moon Frost #3
    Northwind Switchgrass
    Panicum v Northwind #3
    Heavy Metal Blue Switchgrass
    Panicum v Heavy Metal #1
    Cephalanthus occidentalis #3
    Twisty Baby Black Locust
    Robinia p Twisty Baby BF #10
    Amethyst Falls American Wisteria
    Wisteria frut Amethyst Falls #5
    Sold Out
    Mapleleaf Viburnum
    Viburnum acerifolium #3
    Blue Teardrop Black Spruce
    Picea mariana Blue Teardrop #6
    Sold Out
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis BF 6'
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis BF 5'
    Galaxy Coralberry
    Symphoricarpos Galaxy #2
    Ptelea trifoliata #3
    Sold Out
    Bella Bellissima Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f Bella Bellissima #2
    Sold Out
    Ruby Ribbons Switchgrass
    Panicum v Ruby Ribbons #3
    American Strawberry Bush
    Euonymus americanus #3
    Sold Out
    Common Lowbush Blueberry
    Vaccinium angustifolium BF #3
    McKay's White Bush Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f McKay's White #2
    Myrica pensylvanica #3
    Fruit-Currant-Jostaberry #3
    Sold Out
    Cole's Prostrate Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Cole's Prostrate #3
    Arctic Fire Yellow Redosier Dogwood
    Cornus stol Arctic Fire Yellow #3
    American Yellowwood
    Cladrastis kentukea 1.5"
    Blackhaw Viburnum
    Viburnum prunifolium #3
    Jeddeloh Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Jeddeloh #3
    First Editions Fiber Optics Buttonbush
    Cephalanthus occ Fiber Optics #3
    Viking Black Chokeberry
    Aronia m Viking
    Sold Out
    Tater Tot Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Tater Tot #6
    Hot Rod Switchgrass
    Panicum v Hot Rod #1
    False Indigo Bush
    Amorpha fruticosa #3
    Sold Out
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis #3
    Gentsch White Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Gentsch White #3
    Southern Arrowwood Viburnum
    Viburnum dentatum #2
    Sold Out
    Fire Chief Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Fire Chief #2
    Skyline Honeylocust
    Gleditsia Skyline 1.5"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis 2"
    Sold Out
    Primo Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Primo #6
    American Yellowwood
    Cladrastis kentukea 2"
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia 1.5"