Greg's Boxwood Substitutions

Greg's Boxwood Substitutions

39 products

    These are some of Greg Christie's top native choices to use as a substitutes for Boxwoods.

    39 products
    Fire Chief Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Fire Chief #3
    Mr Bowling Ball Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Mr Bowling Ball #3
    Primo Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Primo #3
    Shamrock Inkberry
    Ilex gl Shamrock #3
    Little Henry Virginia Sweetspire
    Itea v Little Henry #3
    Low Scape Mound Chokeberry
    Aronia m Low Scape Mound #3
    Goldfinger Bush Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f Goldfinger #2
    Tater Tot Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Tater Tot #2
    Gem Box Inkberry Holly
    Ilex gl Gem Box #3
    Shrubby St. John's Wort
    Hypericum prolificum #3
    Little Giant Dwarf Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Little Giant #2
    Sold Out
    Hetz Midget Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Hetz Midget #3
    Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum
    Viburnum d Blue Muffin #3
    Blue Velvet St. Johns Wort
    Hypericum Blue Velvet #3
    Brandywine Smooth Viburnum
    Viburnum n Brandywine #3
    Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
    Itea v Henry's Garnet #3
    Aronia m Low Scape Ground Hug #2
    Ilex glabra Strongbox #3
    Sold Out
    Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum
    Viburnum d Blue Muffin #7
    Moon Frost Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Moon Frost #3
    Sold Out
    Mapleleaf Viburnum
    Viburnum acerifolium #3
    Blue Teardrop Black Spruce
    Picea mariana Blue Teardrop #6
    Sold Out
    Bella Bellissima Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f Bella Bellissima #2
    Sold Out
    Common Lowbush Blueberry
    Vaccinium angustifolium BF #3
    American Strawberry Bush
    Euonymus americanus #3
    McKay's White Bush Cinquefoil
    Potentilla f McKay's White #2
    Myrica pensylvanica #3
    Sold Out
    Cole's Prostrate Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Cole's Prostrate #3
    Arctic Fire Yellow Redosier Dogwood
    Cornus stol Arctic Fire Yellow #3
    Jeddeloh Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Jeddeloh #3
    Sold Out
    Tater Tot Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Tater Tot #6
    First Editions Fiber Optics Buttonbush
    Cephalanthus occ Fiber Optics #3
    Viking Black Chokeberry
    Aronia m Viking
    Southern Arrowwood Viburnum
    Viburnum dentatum #2
    Gentsch White Canadian Hemlock
    Tsuga can Gentsch White #3
    Sold Out
    Fire Chief Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Fire Chief #2
    Sold Out
    Primo Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Primo #6
    Sold Out
    Mapleleaf Viburnum
    Viburnum acerifolium #1
    Sold Out
    White Meadowsweet
    Spiraea Alba #3