Trees under 25'

Trees under 25'

292 products

    Here are our recommendations for smaller trees that grow well in Southwest Ohio. They’re all around 10-25' feet tall so will fit into a smaller yard and can be planted closer to nearby structures than their larger brethren. As an added benefit, many of the small trees we mention here are wonderful ornamental trees and have gorgeous Spring Flowers.

    292 products
    Snow Crystal Crabapple
    Malus Snow Crystal #15
    Globe Norway Maple
    Acer plat Globosum #15
    Weeping Norway Spruce
    Picea abies Pendula #6
    Italian Prune Dwarf Plum
    Fruit-Plum-Italian Prune Dwarf #7
    Bloodgood Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Bloodgood 4'ht
    Hearts of Gold Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Hearts of Gold #7
    Fireglow Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Fireglow 5'
    Betty Magnolia
    Magnolia x Betty #5
    Jane Magnolia
    Magnolia x Jane #5
    Whitegold Semi-dwarf Sweet Cherry
    Fruit-Cherry-Whitegold semi-dwf #7
    Shinseiki Dwarf Asian Pear
    Fruit-Pear-Shinseiki Asian Dwf #7
    White Lady Dwarf Peach
    Fruit-Peach-White Lady Dwf #7
    Oracle Almond
    Fruit-Nut-Almond-Oracle #7
    Cherokee Princess Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Cherokee Princess 1.5"
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 2"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis 2"
    Gable Glory Chameleon Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Gable Glory #3
    Ruby Slippers Amur Maple
    Acer g Ruby Slippers #15
    Dark Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Nigra 5'
    Umbrella Catalpa
    Catalpa bignonioides nana Std #15
    Royal White Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Royal White TF #7
    Karl Fuchs Deodor Cedar
    Cedrus deodara Karl Fuchs #6
    Cloud Nine Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Cloud Nine 1.5"
    Hillside Upright Norway Spruce
    Picea abies Hillside Upright #3
    Lustre Allegheny Serviceberry
    Amel laevis Lustre 1.5"
    Orange Dream Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Orange Dream #6
    Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
    Prunus Pink Cascade 2.5"
    Royal Star Magnolia
    Magnolia st Royal Star 3'
    Hot Wings Tatarian Maple
    Acer tat Hot Wings 2"
    Cupressina Norway Spruce
    Picea abies cupressina 5'
    Butterfly Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Butterfly #7
    Weeping Blue Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot glauca pendula 6'ht
    Bloodgood Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Bloodgood spec B
    Henny's Dwarf Ironwood
    Parrotia p Henny's Dwarf #5
    Cherokee Princess Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Cherokee Princess 1.75"
    Stellar Pink Dogwood
    Cornus x Stellar Pink 1.5"
    Spring Grove Flowering Dogwood
    Cornus f Spring Grove 1.5"
    Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Forest Pansy 1.75"
    Adirondack Crabapple
    Malus Adirondack 1.5"
    Merlot Redbud
    Cercis can Merlot #10