Trees under 25'

Trees under 25'

261 products

    Here are our recommendations for smaller trees that grow well in Southwest Ohio. They’re all around 10-25' feet tall so will fit into a smaller yard and can be planted closer to nearby structures than their larger brethren. As an added benefit, many of the small trees we mention here are wonderful ornamental trees and have gorgeous Spring Flowers.

    261 products
    Twombly's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Twombly's Red Sentinel spec A
    Zydeco Twist Black Gum
    Nyssa s Zydeco Twist #5
    Blue Nootka Alaska Cedar
    Chamaecyparis noot glauca #6
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis BF 8'
    Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac
    Syringa ret Ivory Silk 3"
    Winter King Hawthorn
    Crataegus Winter King 2"
    Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Forest Pansy 3"
    Coralburst Crabapple
    Malus Coralburst 2"
    Royal Star Magnolia
    Magnolia st Royal Star 6'
    Fat Albert Colorado Spruce
    Picea pun Fat Albert 8'
    Ohio Buckeye
    Aesculus glabra 1.5"
    Fat Albert Colorado Spruce
    Picea pun Fat Albert 7'
    Hot Wings Tatarian Maple
    Acer tat Hot Wings MS 4'
    Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud
    Cercis can Forest Pansy 2.5"
    Jane Magnolia
    Magnolia Jane 4'
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 1.75"
    Eastern Redbud
    Cercis canadensis 2.5"
    Red Jewel Crabapple
    Malus Red Jewel 2.5"
    Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac
    Syringa ret Ivory Silk 1.75"
    Pyramidal Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Pyramidalis 7'
    Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
    Prunus Pink Cascade 1.75"
    Pagoda Dogwood
    Cornus alternifolia 1.75"
    Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
    Amel Autumn Brilliance MS 6'
    Snow Fountains Flowering Cherry
    Prunus Snow Fountains 1.75"
    Winter King Hawthorn
    Crataegus Winter King 2.5"
    Cupressina Norway Spruce
    Picea abies cupressina 6'
    Cupressina Norway Spruce
    Picea abies cupressina 7'
    Twombly's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Twombly's Red Sentinel #6
    Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
    Prunus Pink Cascade 1.5"
    Cupressina Norway Spruce
    Picea abies cupressina 8'
    Firespire American Hornbean
    Carpinus c Firespire #10
    Stellar Pink Dogwood
    Cornus x Stellar Pink 3"
    Lion's Head Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Shishigashira 4'ht
    Dwarf Columnar Hornbeam
    Carpinus b colomnaris nana #7
    Dark Eastern Arborvitae
    Thuja occ Nigra 6'
    Cutleaf Japanese Emperor Oak
    Quercus d Pinnatifida #5
    Orange Dream Japanese Maple
    Acer palm Orange Dream #10
    White Tigress Snakebark Maple
    Acer teg White Tigress #7
    Autumn Moon Fullmoon Maple
    Acer shir Autumn Moon #7
    Weeping White Pine
    Pinus strobus Pendula 6'